TrafMeter FAQ

Q: What is WinPcap?

A: WinPcap is Free Packet Capture Driver for Windows developed by the Politecnico di Torino, and its contributors. WinPcap 2.3 or higher must be installed on your computer before you run TrafMeter. WinPcap includes a kernel-level packet filter, a low-level dynamic link library (packet.dll), and a high-level and system-independent library (wpcap.dll). The packet filter is a device driver that adds to Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP the ability to capture and send raw data from a network card, with the possibility to filter and store in a buffer the captured packets.
Winpcap home page is

Q: TrafMeter can't detect network adapters installed. How to resolve this problem?

A: Send us the file "adapters_TrafMeter.txt" from TrafMeter's startup folder.

Q: Is it possible to run TrafMeter as a Windows NT/2000/XP service?

A: You can run TrafMeter as the service using freeware tool FireDaemon. See HOWTO

Q: I had to configure TrafMeter again after installing TrafMeter as the service. What's wrong?

A: Don't worry. It's normal behavior. TrafMeter stores own settings in HKCU\Software\ when running as a normal application and in HKU\.Default\Software\ when running as the service. To have a possibility of configuring TrafMeter as service, install it with enabled "Allow interact with desktop" option.

Q: Is it possible to run multiple TrafMeter instances at the same machine?

A: Run TrafMeter.exe with key /2 in a command line. Use keys /3, /4 to run third and fourth instances consistently. You can run up to 30 TrafMeter instances simultaneously.

Q: I run TrafMeter and select network adapter, but button "Start capture" is dimmed. What's wrong?

A: To start capture packets and count traffic you must create at least one filter. Read Quick start guide.

Q: I have a network adapter Realtek 8139 installed on my PC. But TrafMeter shows "NDIS 5.0 driver" instead "Realtek 8139" in the combobox. What's wrong?

A: Nothing. Some adapters (e.g., Realtek 8139) are detected as "NDIS 5.0 driver". This is normal behaviour of WinPcap driver.

Q: Does TrafMeter count IPv6 packets ?

A: No. Only IPv4 is supported.

Q: I have two network adapters (NIC) of the same type installed on my PC running Windows 98/ME. The first NIC connected to internal network has IP address and the second NIC connected to external network has IP address TrafMeter shows both NIC with the same description and with the same IP address and I don't know how to choose NIC connected to internal network. What should I do ?

A: Unfortunately, this is very hard situation for WinPcap. Replace one NIC with another type.

Q: I installed WinPcap through the setup program provided on the website, but this program was too fast to install something. What was wrong?

A: Nothing. WinPcap has correctly installed and the driver and DLLs were correctly copied to the system folder. It is simply very fast, which is not usual in Windows. You can now run the applications.

Q: Can I use WinPcap on a PPP connection?


Q: Does WinPcap support loopback devices?

A: No. Only physical interfaces are supported. This is a limitation of Windows and not of WinPcap.

Q: Does TrafMeter have firewall features?

A: No.